
I Want to be a Social Media Passionisto!

My new life goal is to become a 'Passionisto'.  
Today's Wall Street Journal has an, um, interesting (?) look at the emerging market for social media metrics, and the strategies people can employ to be marked as a high level influencer .  The benefits of ranking high on the influencer scale can include: "...a free Virgin America flight, a shopping splurge at Mark's Work Wearhouse and an all-expenses-paid trip to New Zealand fashion week...", at least for one lucky influencer.

Apparently, though, it's not as simple as, say, being an intelligent, kind person who does there best to utilize social media in ways that assist or inform others.  Nope, you've got to take lots of photos of you drinking martinis, tweet once an hour (including on vacation- according to one passionisto "...you better be prepared to see your scores drop..." if you slack off for a few days) and play up your ego.  But how do you do this?

Imagine your at a party and there is a giant, cocky, loudmouthed douche.  Mimic his behaviour, but only through 'social media'.


In other news, China is experiencing a drought that could result in the loss of over half their wheat crops, reports the New York Times.  The Chinese Government cites a lack of high-level social media influencers as a major cause in the lack of rain.